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What is the Proactivemoms Method?
It is a done-for-you Postpartum Rehabilitation program focussing on a simple & effective Diastasis Recti and Cesarean Birth recovery methodology used with tens of thousands of birthing people.
There are three levels of learning this Method in C-School.
1: ABC’s = “Alignment, Breathing, Core Control”
You wouldn’t build a Dream Home without a solid foundation, the same way you wouldn’t build a Dream Body without a solid MOVEMENT foundation. The ABC’s is the solid foundation. It's where all begins, whether your client is 1 day or 10 years postpartum.

2: DRA6 = “Diastasis Recti Abdominis 6”
Let's keep it simple: there are only 6 diastasis exercises all mamas need to be able to do - with proper ABC's. Build your confidence in helping mamas return to "scary" and "taboo" exercises like planking and sitting up.
3: 7PM’s = “7 Primal Movements”
All human bodies were designed to do 7 movements only; all other movements are merely a combination of these. Teach these Primal Movements with proper ABC’s - and your clients’ risk of injury when returning to ANY postpartum activity will be greatly reduced.

Using a proven Methodology simplifies your practice, gives you useable tools immediately, and gets your clients results faster.
Research reveals a list of problems that tight scar tissue and fascial adhesions can cause, including:
◉ Abdominal pain
◉Puckered scars, or “C-section Shelf”
◉ Back/Hip pain via poor core control
◉ Digestive issues
◉ Fertility issues
◉ Pelvic floor conditions including painful sex and incontinence
◉ Bladder issues
1: The Psychology of Healing
Just because you’re not a mental health professional, doesn’t mean you don’t need mental health tools to support this unique population.
Recovery from any major sports injury begins with mindset. This applies even more so to C-birth as most women:
- don’t expect one
- Are struggling with sleep deprivation
- Are overwhelmed with inadequate support
Learn simple & effective mental health exercises that will help your athlete get over the fear of touching & looking at her scar, and embracing her body again. Learn when to refer.

2: Cesarean Birth Preparation
YOU know that the best recoveries happen BEFORE injury occurs.
But your client doesn’t know that.
Build your client’s trust by helping them prepare physically, mentally, and set up their homes before C-birth.
Be the go-to person to decrease their overwhelm and fear going into surgery.
3: Cesarean Recovery 0-6 Weeks
Out of pain and fear, most women do nothing to recover in the first 6 weeks postpartum. But with just a few simple rehab strategies, their recoveries will be better & faster. Learn these simple strategies and empower your client to trust her body again.

4: Scar Massage
You don’t need to be a manual therapist to help your client make massive improvements in her scar pain, mobility & appearance.
Get the done-for-you Flow Chart/Methodology and teach HER how to start and progress every scar massage technique she’ll need throughout her C-birth recovery.
5: Cesarean-Specific Exercises
The right exercises are needed to maintain the changes made by scar massage; otherwise tissues can revert back to pre-massage state.
Add to your client’s Diastasis Recti exercises with the necessary C-birth exercises that will help her repattern all body movements. This will greatly reduce risk of injury when returning to any activity, sport or competition.
Follow the C-School methodology to take out the guesswork and avoid missing key rehab exercises.

6: Bonus Material
You can’t know EVERYTHING about C-birth rehab. That’s why additional bonus learning material & resources will be added regularly to help you build your knowledge AND business long after you’ve taken the course.
Materials include lead magnets to attract your ideal client; recordings of C-birth workshops for clients; discount codes; guest speakers; and more.
At C-School, we believe that it is every woman’s RIGHT, not PRIVILEGE, to have a full Cesarean recovery.
Level 2 helps allied healthcare professionals fill the gap in public perinatal healthcare
Be a changemaker in women’s health.
Level 3: Build Your Mastery
Level 3 is a live Mentorship program led by Janette. Meeting twice a month virtually, Level 3 allows for true continuing education.
◉ True learning: Ask your perinatal & case study questions and get answers in real time
◉ Grow your network: leverage a global professional perinatal community
◉ Grow your business: learn about marketing, sales, social media, workshop design, creating client resources and more
◉ Receive ongoing updates to C-School learning material

Level 3 Mentorship is available only to those enrolled in C-School Levels 1&2
Enrol Now“If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far… go together.”- African Proverb
What health and fitness professionals are saying:
3 Levels of C-School
Professional Perinatal Education
◉ Level 1 - Build Your Base: Proactivemoms Method ABC’s + DRA6 + 7PM’s
◉ Level 2 - Build Your Expertise: C-birth rehabilitation
◉ Level 3 - Build Your Mastery
Level 1 builds confidence. It builds foundational perinatal therapy knowledge. It builds your perinatal client base.
Level 2 builds your expertise. Be the professional who helps change lives of the underserved community of Cesarean birth moms.
Level 3 allows for true continuing education. Be a part of a professional community and gain access to ongoing perinatal guest speakers, group business discussions, Case Studies, resources and more.
Become the go-to practitioner in your market by providing the solutions your Vaginal and Cesarean birth clients want.
Enrol Now“A woman who has endured pregnancy and childbirth is not a PATIENT.
At C-School, she is called an ATHLETE.”
Congratulations on making your business a priority.
All prices listed are in CAD. No taxes for international students.
Questions? Send us an email at [email protected]