Are you having a C-section soon?
Or, did you just have a C-section?
Are you having a
C-section soon?
Or, did you just have
a C-section?

You might be overwhelmed.

You might be afraid that your abs will be “weak, saggy and a C-section shelf forever.”

...if so, I got you.

Keep reading


“Cesarean Recovery Stage 1”

Your Prenatal C-Section Preparation & Recovery Program

Maybe you’ve scoured the internet for information.

Maybe you’ve asked all your friends for help.

Maybe this isn’t even your first C-section.

Either way, feel completely unprepared and overwhelmed.


And you know what?


99% of hospitals will not give you the basic information required for proper preparation OR recovery from this major abdominal surgery.

They said “do nothing for 6 weeks”;
I say, take action instead.


While it’s true that pain, weakness and body shame might be common...

...this doesn’t have to be your new NORMAL.

“I learned SO MUCH! I am 3 weeks postpartum from a very long labor which ended in a C-section. It's mind blowing to me that I was not given this information in the hospital or after discharge. Because of your program I feel like I now know what to do to best help my body recover. I cannot thank you enough!”

- Maggie, 2nd birth/ 1st C-section

Introducing a simple, done-for-you Rehab Program.
Feel results immediately... in literally 5 minutes a day.

You may not have the luxury of TIME as a new mom.


But, you still WANT to minimize the C-section Shelf, and drastically reduce common complications like pain and infection.


Good news: 1000’s of new moms have experienced exactly this by following my simple Rehab Program, step-by-step.


The best time to start is during pregnancy. 
The second best time is as close to Day 1 post-surgery as possible.
I want to start now!



If you could do something

- to minimize the “C-section shelf”

- to eliminate scar pain

- to ensure a strong core and muscles

... would you do it?

The “Stage 1” Program will give you the tools for a better, faster, and safer C-section recovery.

Because millions of women around the world are NOT given these basic tools, the result is a lifetime of scar pain, weakness, and lack of confidence in one’s body.


This does not have to be you. 


I want to make a difference

“I LOVE that the live classes could be accessed later in case I missed one. As a new mom, my schedule was pretty unpredictable. I also really appreciated the opportunity to interact with other moms, ask questions and get exercise cuing in real time. The community was more important than I could've imagined.”

- Amal, C-section mom

Mental health matters in C-section recovery. 


Healing from C-section can be very emotional, more mentally heavy than most other injuries, and here’s why:

  • Many C-sections aren’t expected at all. And emergencies can be traumatic.
  • Even if planned, many C-sections aren’t wanted. This can cause feelings of shame.
  • Unlike any other type of injury, most must recover when caring for a newborn, and sometimes big kids as well. And sleep-deprivation can wreak havoc on mental health.

This program is totally unique:  it recognizes the mental health impact and includes C-section Psychology exercises, developed with a mental health expert.


I’m here to support your physical and mental well-being.

Hi! I’m Janette, your trusted
C-section Therapist.


I want you to consider yourself as an Athlete.

I mean, you just went through a 40-week ULTRA marathon (we’ll call that sport “pregnancy”!), with no water breaks, and no subs.

Then, that Sport ended in a season-ending injury (we’ll call that a “C-section”). 

Your abdominal muscles were cut apart. You’re in a ton of pain, and you have no idea how to move properly anymore.

Now, ask yourself: what would an injured Athlete do?

...definitely not “nothing”!

That’s why as an Athlete, Mother of two, and Perinatal Therapist for over 20 years, I created this Program.


No woman deserves to be left to her own devices to heal from the biggest injury she’ll experience in her life.

Full recovery from major abdominal surgery is not complicated.

Let me show you how. 

Here’s what you get in the “Cesarean Recovery Stage 1” program

Immediate access to the on-demand

Start your prep & recovery right away, regardless of when you register

Short ‘how-to’ videos

No time? Watch these quick tips, Scar Massage and exercises clips to ensure results from Day 1

Mental Health Matters

Ensure a better C-section recovery by working through these unique psychology exercises developed with mental health professionals

Everything is accessible through a convenient app

Watch, listen & recover - even at 2a.m. when you’re the only one awake

BONUS #1: A simple, done-for-you Rehab Program

See all Scar Massages & recovery exercises you need to do, when to do them, clearly laid out in a chart


Value: $499 CAD

BONUS #2: 6 weekly Live Classes

Discuss & practice the “meat and potatoes” of the program and ask questions


Value: $249 CAD

BONUS #3: Private online community

Surround yourself with other positive, motivated C-section moms in a professionally moderated environment


Value: $199 CAD
I’m ready to start

On Demand Videos

Here’s what you get in the “Cesarean Recovery Stage 1” program

Immediate access to the on-demand e-library

Start your prep & recovery right away, regardless of when you register

Short ‘how-to’ videos

No time? Watch these quick tips, Scar Massage and exercises clips to ensure results from Day 1

Mental Health Matters

Ensure a better C-section recovery by working through these unique psychology exercises developed with mental health professionals

Everything is accessible through a convenient app

Watch, listen & recover - even at 2a.m. when you’re the only one awake

BONUS #1: A simple, done-for-you Rehab Program

See all Scar Massages & recovery exercises you need to do, when to do them, clearly laid out in a chart


Value: $499 CAD

BONUS #2: 6 weekly Live Classes

Discuss & practice the “meat and potatoes” of the program and ask questions


Value: $249 CAD

BONUS #3: Private online community

Surround yourself with other positive, motivated C-section moms in a professionally moderated environment


Value: $199 CAD
I’m ready to start

On Demand Videos

What is A Faster, Better C-section Recovery going to cost?

Real world value - bearing in mind that a 1-hour therapy session with me is $300,
and - because I lived it - since having a baby can have many unforeseen expenses, I wanted to ensure that you would have an opportunity to have an excellent start to your recovery for a fraction of the cost.


The real value in the “Stage 1” program is literally hundreds of $$$, but is yours for $1200 $249

The spotlight is, rightfully, on your new bundle of love
...but also... what about you and your recovery?


You're an Athlete. Invest in YOU.

1-Time Payment

$249 CAD

  • Immediate access to the on-demand e-library
  • Mental Health Exercises
  • Accessible through app
  • Short ‘how-to’ videos - Scar massage and exercises
  • BONUS #1: A simple, done-for-you Rehab Program (Value: $499 CAD)
  • BONUS #2: 6 weekly Live Classes (Value: $249 CAD)
  • BONUS #3: Private online community (Value: $199 CAD)
I’m worth it

6 Monthly Payments

$44 CAD

  • Immediate access to the on-demand e-library
  • Mental Health Exercises
  • Accessible through app
  • Short ‘how-to’ videos - Scar massage and exercises
  • BONUS #1: A simple, done-for-you Rehab Program (Value: $499 CAD)
  • BONUS #2: 6 weekly Live Classes (Value: $249 CAD)
  • BONUS #3: Private online community (Value: $199 CAD)
I can do this

Think about it:

When an Athlete gets knee surgery, she’s given a clear Rehab Program. Why is C-section any different?

...Answer: It’s not. 

So, if you can follow a C-section Rehab Program from Day 1, you too will have the best results for returning to an active life - strong, confident, and pain free

✮ BONUS #1: Come to live classes with me to deepen your understanding ✮

✮ BONUS #2: Join the private Facebook group to ask questions for further support ✮

✮ BONUS #1: Come to live classes with me to deepen your understanding ✮

✮ BONUS #2: Join the private Facebook group to ask questions for further support ✮

I want a better C-section recovery

“I’ve had two sections and no one has ever spoken to me about recovery. What to expect, how to help, anything. At my 6 week check-in, I didn't even see a professional. It was a phone call. Thank you for making this available to us. I feel so much more empowered just knowing these things and how to help recovery!”

- Rebecca, 2x C-section mom

A healthy, healing scar means:


😊 Playing with and carrying your baby

😊 Getting on the floor with your toddler

😊 Noticing visible improvements to your scar

😊 Feeling empowered, like you’re on the right track

😊 Going back to daily activity, pain-free

😊 Making a positive impact to minimize the C-section shelf

😊 Embracing your body and its changes


I want this to be me!
This is for you if:

✔ You’re pregnant and having a C-section in
0-6 months

✔ You had a C-section 0-8 weeks ago

This is me. Let’s start!
This is not for you if:

✔ You’re unable to commit to 5 minutes a day to do this program.

✔ You’re more than 2 months postpartum


 “This is the only comprehensive Cesarean recovery program I have come across and it encourages me to know that I don’t have to go through the intense trauma I went through before during my previous c-sections because I now have access to a course and all the information I need to recover fully. I can’t wait to share it with other mums.”

- Jessica, 36 weeks pregnant + having a planned Cesarean

This isn’t just about physical health.
It’s about empowering your entire postpartum journey.